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Circles & Gatherings

Group spaces where we come together to be heard, in words and in your physical presence. Gathering in community with each other to witness and be witnessed, with no advice offered, no need to be or act a certain way, no attempts to 'fix'; what a gift. An honest, safe, authentic space for you to be and feel ALL that you are. Not something we have much of in our daily in the West, these sacredly simple spaces is it?

These circles and gatherings are such healing and humbling communities and I love facilitating them. There's something about the wonder and awe that continues to inspire me about relative strangers speaking so openly and truthfully about how they truly feel; it still blows me away. You can find out more about the current spaces that I'm facilitating below.​

Previously these have predominantly taken the form of supporting women in numerous forms; the Women’s Nature Connection Circle and Morning’s with Moon both shared themes of the season and lunar cycle, the Mama’s Circle had similar flavours, honouring mothers, recognising their epicness, reminding them of who they are for themselves. Following the 2022 decision in America on the Roe vs Wade ruling, I also offered a donation based space for us to come together and be with the pain and the love stirred up from that decision, that also then financially supported those affected by it. More recently, I created something similar through 'Pause for Peace, which offered an inclusive space to take a moment of quiet reflection in community with others, to honour peace both in ourselves and the world at this tumultuous time. Alongside these, I have also created and facilitated other group spaces interwoven with my broadcasting work; podcast and live event series Talk Wordy To Me, live online group gatherings on Instagram through Take a Tree Break to support connection during the Covid pandemic. You can find out more about all of that by clicking on about > community & communication.

"whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination,
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things"



women | together | with nature

Giving out to everyone and everything but yourself? 
Need space to just breathe and take a moment?
Come and G A T H E R

Nourishing, mindful, nature connection based practises, sitting and sharing together in a small community of women to be heard, to listen. Reconnecting with the rhythms & cycles of both yourself and the natural world.

No masks to uphold, no need for brave faces, no 'fixing' to be done. Welcome with all that you bring, be that in your words or simply in your phsycial presence. 

An honest, safe, welcoming circle of women in the magical sanctuary of Damson Hill Cottage & woodland. Sessions run monthly and shift between Full & New Moon, depending on the season. They are currently running on the Sunday night closest to Full Moon, and run in seasonal chunks.

Winter / Spring - January, February, March

Spring / Summer - April, May, June

Summer / Autumn - July, August, September

Autumn / Winter - October, November, December

Our incoming seasonal three months of Winter/Spring sessions are;

  • Sunday 12th Jan Full Moon

  • Sunday 16th Feb Full Moon

  • Sunday 16th March Full Moon

Places are £16.66 and booked in advance as a seasonal chunk of three sessions, paid in one instalment of £50.


You can drop in to any of our sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis for £18. An introductory offer of £15 is also available for your first time joining us.


Space allowing, t​here are two concessionary places for women in each circle for whom financial reasons mean they otherwise feel they wouldn't be able to join us. These spaces are funded by the circle itself, from a community pot that every bought ticket contributes 50p towards. Separate donations can also be made in to this pot at any time. Please do drop me a note to chat any further about exploring either of these avenues.

You are so welcome and we really look forward to 'gathering' together with you in amongst the magic that is Damson Hill. Any questions or queries please don't hesitate to get in touch, otherwise just book your sessions below. Wild and wondrous wishes in the meantime!


full moon sundays

6.30 to 8pm

damson hill,


  • 'gather' seasonally

    1 Season | 3 sessions | £16.66 per session
    Valid for 3 months
  • 'gather' drop in

  • 'gather' first session

    Introductory offer


In amongst the busyness, Pause for Peace offers a moment of quiet reflection to honour peace both in ourselves and the world at this tumultuous time.


An inclusive space for all different beliefs and faiths to come together for a moment of silent and mindful contemplation in community, in support of the challenges and suffering that are going on in the world right now.


As well as offering our presence, this is a donation based offering to support things practically a little too. All profits go to Choose Love who work to provide humanitarian aid to, and advocacy for, refugees around the world. A small offering from the money raised (10%) will also go to Exton Church in gratitude for providing the space.

No need to book a place, do just turn up (dressed warmly!) and if you have any further questions, do please get in touch.

november tuesday's

6pm to 6.30pm

exton church

pause for peace

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